On 29th, May 2023 at PT. Equinox the “Aldebaran Crew Room” was opened. This is a room where we welcome our seafarers and handle their documentation, briefing/debriefing and interview process.

The building is next to the Equinox main building, and it feels like a cozy living room with air-conditioning, computers, refreshment and a meeting room. On top there is an outside space for breaks and chilling.

The name Aldebaran comes from the Arabic name “Follower”. This means a person who is loyal, full believing and full of faith. This will bring great leadership, romance, and religion. By this way we want to let our seafarers become responsible as an individual.

Also, Aldebaran is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. This will guide our seafarers through the darkness to the light, in life and in economy for our country, Indonesia.

We warmly welcome all our seafarers to our new crew room and to do enjoy it together!